-Tropical Prehistoric Florida by Robin Brown -Tropical String, Cordage and Rope by Robin Brown -The Key Marco Finds by Robin Brown -The Key Marco Atlatl by Bob Perkins -In Ages Past by Christopher Stills -A Coconut Frond Basket by Doug Elliott -Granite Spheres of Caño Island by Jonathan Miller Weisberger -The Fire Piston by Wyatt R. Knapp -Distribution of Oriental Fire Pistons by Henry Balfour -The Ti Plant Called Ki by Dino Labiste -Killing Meat Softly by Greg Weiss -Fishing With Hawaiin Plants by Dino Labiste -People of the rain Forest by Hazen Audel and Greg Weiss -Sharkskin Rawhide by Dino Labiste -PRIMITIVE TECHNOLOGY PAGES -Cultural Evolution by Thomas J. Elpel -A New Look at Friction Fires by Berkley Walker -The Role of Fire in the Domestication of Man by Al Cornell -Threads, Ropes and Technical Approaches by Toomai Boucherat -A Very Old Adventure by Toomai Boucherat -Review of liveArch Guide by Maria-Louise Sidoroff and more.
Bulletin #38 - Tropical Skills
Cover by Timothy Moore, FL. From a 20” x 16” oil painting. A Timucua fisherman examines his arrow prior to shooting at a fish in the tidal waters of northeast Florida. The arrowhead is secured to the shaft with pine resin and further secured by a binding of sinew. See more of Tim’s art at floridalosttribes.com.