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-How Does the Modern Primitive Dress by Scott Jones
-As Atlas of Primitive Clothing by Evard Gibby
-Iceman’s Belt by Chuck Kritzon
-Headgear by Steve Watts, with photos by Dawn Russell
-Fur Hats For Northern Climates by Dawn Russell
-Buckskin Babblings…. Revisited by Woniya Thibault
-Barefootin’ by Scott Jones 
-Wearing The Buffalo Robe by Marcus Klek 
-Rabbitskin Blanket by Sonny Baba 
-Fire Starting in Tropical Rain Forests by Al Cornell 
-The Effects of Cooking Time on Pitch Glue by Tim Manney 
-Making Pitch Glue by Norm Kidder & David Wescott
-Another Use for Sumac by Jack Cresson
-Usefulness of Polypore in Primitive Fire Building by Storm
-A Simple Experiment with Fire and Wood by Jack Cresson
-The 8 Minute Adze by Eric Becker 
-Pine Bark Water Container by Keith Badger 
-May The Circle Be Unbroken by Christopher Nyerges 
-Little Seeds by Dawn Russell 
-Stalking the Wild Track by Christopher Nyerges 
-Making a Soaproot Brush by Norm Kidder
and more.

Bulletin #32 - Clothing

  • Cover by David Wescott. Acquiring the material from which clothing is made is the fIrst step in the process. This may include making it yourself, or trading with another source. Bulletin #32 deals a lot with clothing from buckskin, thus the motivation for the cover art. This issue marks our 16th year of operation, and the "feel" of this cover hearkens back to our very first issue.

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